Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rose Red

Snow White and Rose Red helping the nasty dwarf.

Today at work I was wearing a necklace my sister got me from an antique shop that has the seven dwarfs from Disney's Snow White on it.
The older lady I work with announced that I was Rose Red. I had no idea what she meant.
The original Snow White by the Brothers Grimm was called Snow White and Red Rose, Red Rose being Snow White's sister. I googled the story, and I must say I prefer it because it does not involve a lady going off to cook and clean for seven men. In fact there is only one dwarf in the story, and he is the bad guy.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My favorite thing about Mr Stalin was his diabolical use of pre-photoshop photoshopping skills.

Spot the difference:

It's okay Stalin, I would have been jealous of Trotsky too.

Technique is noticed most markedly in the case of those who have not mastered it.
-Leon Trotters.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Haw Par Villa

Haw Par Villa is one of my favorite places on Earth.

Built in 1937 by the entrepreneurial and charismatic Aw Boon Haw for his brother Boon Par, Haw Par Villa is the quintessential house of Chinese folklore.
Twenty-five clusters of original statues and figurines replicate Chinese mythology characters like the Laughing Buddha and the Fu Lu Shou (Taoist deities). A must-see exhibit is the Ten Courts of Hell, featuring the ten steps of judgement before reincarnation. Literal and leaving nothing to the imagination, the statues and sets immortalise moral values and Chinese cultural heritage for generations to come.

Ever since my first visit, which would have been in 2000 when I was 11 or 12, the display above has been my favorite. It depicts a story about some friends camping when suddenly some bears find them and think they look delicious. The boys run away, but one boy is too slow and can't climb trees etc and his friends leave him behind so that they can escape unhindered by the slow friend. So the slow boy pretends to be dead, and one of the bears comes over to him and sniffs at him and says 'never trust a friend who abandons you in a time of need'.
Or something to that affect.
O and the bears don't eat the playing dead boy.


The Gipps

I found these whilst doing some folder cleaning. They are from Jan 2009 I believe.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Battle for the Sun

Last night I went to the Placebo concert at Festival Hall.

It was amazing!

Brian Molko !!! !! there are no words to describe how fantastic he is.

You're not permitted to take cameras into Festival Hall, but Wayne took some pictures on his phone:

That's Mr Molko on the left.

The concert was so amazing I didn't mind that I got beer spilt on me, or that some massive guy rammed into me.
However the support act was terrible. It made me mad because I was wasting the life span of my ear drums listening to rubbish. Plus it sounded like they said 'Tabasco Sauce' was the name of their band.
Apparently they are The Vasco Era.

In conclusion, Placebo are so amazingly amazing that they don't need a support act.

No one cares when you’re out on the street
Picking up the pieces to make ends meet
No one cares when you’re down in the gutter
Got no friends got no lover

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dear Josh

Have an Adult Day!

Woman: How much for this dress?
Rebecca: God, I can't believe you're selling that.
Enid: That's $500.
Woman: What?
Enid: 500.
Woman: You're crazy. It should be like $2.
Enid: I was wearing that dress when I lost my virginity.
Woman: Why do I care?
Enid: Well, why do you want it? I mean, it would look stupid on you anyway.
Woman: God. Fuck you.

I can't find my copy, and I really really want to watch this! Sad face :(

Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay. Signed Tiffany, and Amber

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This little piggy..

Today I went to a Trash and Treasure Market. It was a successful trip as I found this gem;

He was chilling out with Humphrey Bogart and almost decapitated me on the drive home.

In other news, I recently saw the movie Daybreakers [it's the latest vampire thing]. It was rather nice to see vampires burning in the sunlight, and not seeing them in mirror reflections.
But I think being a vampire when everyone else was too would be lame, because your life would be the same, just less ice cream.

Despite this it was still better than The Wolfman. I'm pretty sure they should have dedicated more time to story-writing.

But I've always been more of a vampire person anyway.

Peggy Sue

Today whilst working at the Op Shop, a bag of donantions brought in proved puzzling. Someone had donated various single, odd shoes. So I can only assume they are the ex-property of:

In conclusion, Planet Terror is an awesome movie.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Han Solo

Nobody calls Han Solo a bitch!

Return of the Dead

I had a blog last year, but got rid of it. Now I want it back. So it has returned from the dead, just like all good zombies should.

This is Barbra. She is tres emo because she was chased by a zombie who ate Johnny’s face.
The handsome man is trying to be nice but secretly wants to shove her out the door and feed her to the zombies because she is annoying and sobs too much.

This is Johnny. He's a zombie due to all that face eating business. He's coming to get you Barbra.

*SPOILER* Johnny eats Barbra's face.